

We are very reasonable people we come from all places we have many different jobs many of us has never meet or seen each other we have a wide range a divisibility we are not necessarily trying to get vichatter closed down we want them to take down the video call area were all the illegal activity can not be seen by the moderators and by know we all know their is underage girls doing illegal sexual acts for gold and we all know by know that if these girls can not get more than 5 in gold a day because they are not trusted users then they have a pimp that will help them do their child prostitution that has a trusted account so they can get more gold and then you have the underage girls that have money put onto their cell phones for their pay for illegal sex acts in the video call we have showed you some videos of this already and we have many more like 12 different girls that has showed themselves to us and the pimps that help them. We really thought by posting what we did will get the owners attention enough to start trying to do something about this problem but  then when we have users like CHEW RAYS BIG TOE ID NUMBER 1635761 AND USER G.I.JOE ID NUMBER 2112817 AND USER JAMES BOND ID NUMBER 1806613 That are on vichatter acting like hero's to all the users that can see but behind the scenes they are fricken lunatic pedophiles and this is just 3 users their are many more but we have proof of what these users do and many user that signed up on vichatter that are young girls saying that these users private message them threatening them because they did not show know why would they do that when the mods just block them for showing anyway know this is what our experts think and from our sources from vichatter they want the young girls to show in the main chat area because they record them showing and then turn around and use that video and their INTELLIGENCE ability and what ever else information they can get by looking at the recorded video of the girls broadcast and seeing if they can see anything in the girls rooms(their house you know you can see things when someone does a broadcast from inside their rooms in their house and it is live) were they are broadcasting from to get more information about them like maybe school books that may have a name of were they go to school just anything that can see from stuff in the rooms were they are broadcasting that will give them information on were they live they will defiantly try and get their vk.com account number and then they use all this information combined to try and blackmail these young girls and if they do not do what they are told then these lunatic pedophiles will go onto VK.COM AND STARTING BAD MOUTHING THEM saying very bad things to their friends about them (you know what we mean)they will try and get them banned from vichatter.Know if this happens enough times to allot of different young and vulnerable naive girls then all the other girls will be aware of this and will make them more inclined to do what these blackmailers are telling them to do know we all so know that these girls are getting smarter and this type of stuff has been declining on vichatter.But with that said and users like CHEW RAYS BIG TOE and if you see his profile he says he is 16 (what 16 year old kid has that much money without their parents not knowing were he is spending it you see what we mean)AND THE OTHER USERS MENTIONED ABOVE they get their gold by being these young girls pimp,so they are committing child prostitution  and that is why they act like they are hero's to try and make themselves look good because what they are really doing can get them a long time in the prison system and many long nights with the other inmates that do not like pedophiles in their prison and if Chew Rays Big Toe AND HIS BUDDY'S thinks they own vichatter they will really see their asses being owned in prison LOL.And with these girls getting smarter and these blackmailers gold getting smaller (and remember vichatter will allow certain users to cash their earnings in for real money it even says in their rules) they are getting more violent with what they are saying to these underage girls and they are going after more of them know they only go after the young girls like ones under 13 they think are the easiest because they know they are easier to blackmail and with them doing this and know that they have been caught by us and many other users on vichatter .We ask for the others on vichatter to understand these 3 users are not worth making vichatter look bad they are not worth making the Russians look bad the owner who is a Russian Avraam Marangos look bad so banning these 3 users from vichatter will go along way when it comes to all the people who have read this blog and will read this blog we will make sure it is known that vichatter did the right thing and had these 3 users banned SO PLEASE FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL THE OTHER GIRLS THAT IS ON VICHATTER KNOW AND THE ONES THAT WILL COME ONTO VICHATTER IN THE MONTHS AND YEARS TO COME BAN THESE USERS AND MAKE SURE ANY OF THEIR OTHER BUDDY THAT ARE NOT MENTION ARE BANNED AND MAKE SURE NO ONE ELSE GETS THIS HIGH OF A LEVEL AND USES IT AS A BAD THING. YES WE ARE EXTREMIST YES CHEW WILL TRY AND SAY WE ARE CRAZY AND MAY SAY WE ARE BJORN AND WE ALL KNOW BJORN IS FULL OF CRAP A LOT OF THE TIMES BUT WE PROMISE YOU WE ARE NOT BJORN WHEN  A PEDOPHILE IS BACKED INTO A CORNER HE MAY SAY MANY THINGS TO MAKE HIMSELF LOOK GOOD BUT IN THE END HE IS STILL A PEDOPHILE AND THE ONES WE ASK YOU TO BAN (AND YOU MAY WANT TO THINK ABOUT CHE GUEVARA TO) THEIR ARE JUST 3,3 BANNED USERS AND WE WILL MAKE VICHATTER LOOK LIKE THEY ARE REALLY TRYING TO CLEAN UP THE PEDOPHILES AND WE KNOW THAT THE OTHER USERS CAN HAVE THESE PEDOPHILES BANNED IF THEY WANTED TO.

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