
Read this post very important the high level users from vichatter read this post

First we must say as unbelievable as it may seem to be for the pedophiles on vichatter to believe we are not Bjorn but yes we have heard allot about Bjorn and it seems he is on vichatter kinda doing the same thing we are but it seems no one really cares about him because it seems the big wig pedophiles think he is just a fake and that he has been on vichatter for a long time doing the same crap so their for no one cares about what he says or does and we have had users say he is also a pedophile but since we are not investigating and trying to get information about Bjorn we could care less what he is or what he does and to tell you the truth we probably know more or as much about him as anyone, that thinks Anonymous and this blog is his. Sorry Bjorn if you read this but users on vichattter do not take you serious and we need to get them to understand that anonymous is not Bjorn so we will have to say that we know back a few years ago that Bjorns daughter did a cam broadcast on vichatter and this was back when vichatter had illegal stuff all the time and when she went on she was like 12 or so and of course all the pedos said things to her while she was on cam like they do know pretty much and after words she got allot or messages from these pedos saying bad things to her some even knew bjorn and they all thought he was a pedophile dad well that is when her father Bjorn that was his user name back then freaked out and since then he started somewhat fighting against vichatter and they all started calling him the Crazy Frenchman this is more or less what we were told by someone that actually saw his daughter do the cam show back then know would Bjorn come onto his own blog and bring that up to all the people outside of vichatter that will read this blog we do not think so and know you see we are not Bjorn.   P.S Bjorn sorry but we need to make the users on vichatter understand we are not you and we have not gotten any of our information from you we have sent emails to him and we gotten the email from another blog that he was once posting on and he said on that blog he changed his name to Vichattter Anarchie and he started posting  videos on a little website he had going and on that website their was a email so that is how anonymous got his email we have sent him several emails and none of them ever was none delivered so we just assumed he was getting them but he never responded to any of them we do not know what his user name on vichatter is know or if he even goes on vichatter anymore no one from anonymous has even chatted with him we have seen a few chats that he had with one of Nostradamus guys that they recorded back several months ago like November last year and on another thing we learned from that video and this may be something he would not post himself is that the user Carissa on vichatter is his daughter.So have you anonymous word that we are not Bjorn and he has not one single thing to do with this blog or helping us so know that the users on vichatter know the truth and users like 1635761 and 1806613 and 2112817 and this user 2041724 can not just tell you that we are just the crazy Frenchman Bjorn he is no big deal and that was their only defence against what we know for sure about them being the pedophile blackmailers on vichatter that use underage girls so they can get gold.AND THE MORE WE DO OUR INVESTIGATION THE MORE WE THINK MAYBE THE OWNERS ARE NOT INVOLVED MAYBE BUT THEY ARE PROFITTING FROM THIS ILEGAL ACTIVITY AND THESE VERY BAD PEDOPHILES AND IN ALLOT OF PEOPLES EYES THAT IS JUST AS BAD AS BEING DIRECTLY INVOLVED THEY NEED TO STOP THIS KNOW

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