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We have sent the address to this blog through Facebook and Twitter to many famous actors and actress's in America and in Europe and famous musicians we was not given permission from any of them to post their names so will not post their names but we would like to share some of what some of them has said in response after they have read this blog seen the videos and some has even when onto vichatter and checked it out themselves.We will start with the good news that some of the famous Europeans have told us (this is not what we are saying this is what outside people from Anonymous has told us we will never give out our own knowledge of and on going investigations)some of  these famous musicians and actors and actress from the European area after we contacted then through either Twitter or Facebook and gave this blogs address to them has responded back to us saying that vichatter is already a know chat site in the European countries and is also know for having pedophiles on it and from what they have said already has Interpol agents investigating vichatter internally and their are agents within the chat site that are trying to catch the pedophiles working with the moderators and other vichatter users and they also say that from what they hear that their has been talk to shut down vichatter and bring it back as 18 and over chat site or just somehow make changes so the pedophiles will not over the chat site(This is not a direct quot from what they actually said but it is only a summery of what they said).Know this is not what all have said from the responses we got back from some of these famous people some of the ones in America has said things like (it is a Russian chat site do not worry about it the Russians just make themselves look bad and this owner Avraam makes the Russians look bad)and this (this is a very disgusting website for children to be on and it should be shut down please keep me informed on what you get done and let me know how I can help)and (Yes the Russians have a very bad way of raising their kids they do not treat their kids like parents in the U.S. does they will sale their kids for a pack of cigarettes they go on to tell is to just leave it alone it is not worth it Anonymous should do something that is more worth fighting for)and a few has said they will help us fight vichatter.So it seems like most people even some of these famous people in America think vichatter just shows everyone what Russians really are and I guess that would be a bunch of pedophiles and parents that don't care about their kids once they get to be a certain age then they think they are old enough to whatever they want and if that is going onto vichatter and doing sexual acts in the video call for gold or just doing a open cam broadcast in the main chat area and teasing all the pedos by lifting up their shirts and pulling their pants down a little and making all the pedos say disgusting things to these underage girl well that is what Russia is all about and the owner of vichatter really makes Russians look bad he is a Russian himself and he makes Russia look real bad and the people in the U.S just say O WELL that is their problem and allot of them think we should just leave it alone and do something that is worth trying to save.And the European people are more aware of vichatter and what happened before at vichatter and all the child crimes the owners was charged with and they seem to think vichatter has Interpol agents on their trying to catch the pedos but when we ask those same people that say that what about what is going on in the video call and the underage girls being used to do sexual acts for GOLD OR MONEY BEING PUT INTO THEIR CELL PHONES then they have no response but they seem so sure Interpol is aware of all that and they are catching the pedos.Know what we think and what we know well some of it is posted on this blog some of it we can not say but the people that has followed Anonymous keeps asking us why are we even screwing around with vichatter they know we could easily turn this into a big news media story were the owners of vichatter will have to come out and explain what is really going on in the video call and these underage girls and why are their so many pedos on your chat site were their are kids and why do these pedos have a ability they can use to look up ip address of these young girls and use that to make vulnerable young girls think these pedos know were they live and use that to blackmail them and what is this about VK.COM and the pedos from vichatter looking up the personal information of these young girls and using it to blackmail them And again these are young Russian girls people not American girls that have more since and are not so scared  to go tell someone what is going on.These Russian girls have allot of per pressure and they are way more vulnerable and that is why they are targeted by the Russian pedos they know it is easy pray for them.AND YES WE COULD MAKE THIS INTO A BIG NEWS STORY WE COULD PROBABLY DO MORE TO GET VICHATTER EITHER SHUT DOWN OR TO MAKE CHANGES LIKE TAKE OUT THE VIDEO CALL OR NO ONE UNDER 18 ON THE WEBSITE WE HAVE A BIG NEWS RADIO STATION THING COMING UP IF WE WANTED WE COULD GO ONTO THAT RADIO AND JUST SAY WE ARE GOING TO HACK VICHATTERS WEBSITE AND SEE WHAT WE COME UP WITH IF WE WAS TO SAY THAT WE WOULD GET NATIONAL ATTENTION FROM ALLOT OF NEWS MEDIA BUT THINGS WE DO NOT POST AND SAY IS THE REASON RIGHT KNOW WE HAVE NOT DONE THAT.So to all those who want instant results we say be patent their is a process we have and we are going to continue with our process for right know.

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