
vichatter... some information about a few pedophiles on vichatter

We was going to give our thanks to a user on vichatter that we thought was helping us user id number 1635761 CHEW  RAYS BIG TOE OR LOVE JUSTIN but when we started asking other users that are helping us from vichatter what they thought and what they know of this guy they all said he is a fake that he just acts like he is getting the pedos off vichatter  but he private messages young girls and threatens them when they do not show or he tries to get users to give him child porn videos and when the users do not do what he wants he will silence them for no reason and he will never let anyone ask why he does what he does he just ignores their messages so in other words without having to go on and on about what other users say about him they all said he is the biggest and worse pedophile on their.We had thought the other day and after we had chatted with him and the fact that his profile says he is 16 (but that could very well be fake and he is just a old pedophile)that he was a good guy he said that we needed to get rid of the American pedophiles from vichatter because they bring more money into vichatter and that was what we was also thinking he actually said it was his job to silence them and get rid of them and that he spends like 300 hundred dollars a day on vichattter silencing them and reporting them to support to get them banned (we have that chat on video we will post late) know during our chat with him he started getting mad (just like all the others that said he was a pedo said he does) and started calling us extremist and that we are crazy and we need doctors help well we are extremist that is what anonymous is all about being extremist know when he started freaking out and saying that we did not know if that was good or bad to him because everyone knows that anonymous are extremist well we figured out that it must have been bad to him because he ended up ignoring us LOL and as far as needing help I am sure that allot of us get professional help I mean when you have to deal with lunatic pedophiles like we do I am sure some of us get professional help but once you se this video of this chat we had with CHEW RAYS BIG TOE OR LOVE JUSTIN   you will see who really needs the help we were having a NORMAL chat with this  guy and he just started freaking out and even after that chat we still thought he was a good guy.So we went back and looked through some of our older videos from vichatter and chats we have had with some of the young girls because we had a feeling we had something on this guy and sure enough we have tons of girls saying this LOVE JUSTIN is private messaging them and  threatening them because they did not show or they did not do what he wanted them to do and he tells them he has their ip address and he can find them many girls saying pretty much the same thing know we do not have the actual stuff he was saying to these girls but we do have what they said to us recorded and whats makes it even more believable about what these girls has told us about him is the fact not hardly any of them has been back onto vichatter since then we looked them we looked up their id numbers and they have not been on vichatter for months and it says on users profiles when the last time they were on unless they are on vichatter right then and then you ad in what all the users just the other day has said about him well all we can do is go with what we think and we believe the young girls since none of them has been back on after he scared them off and the fact that he freaked out on us just out of the blue and then we have what all the users that are still on vichatter that has been helping us and doing a good job and the ones that do not really care for what we are doing and thinks we are extremist and crazy but when we asked them to give their honest opinion and maybe had to give some gold lol they all said he is a pedo and that he uses he power as a high level user and tries to intimidate other user into doing stuff and if they do not he will get his other pedophile buddy's like some has said CHE GUEVARA,JAMES BOND,GUARDIAN ANGEL and some others all gang up on them and threatens them and will silence them in chat rooms and yes they are some that are scared of him so we have changed our thinking on user id number 1635761and believe us we even sent him a message saying we were going to give him thanks on our blog and make him look good until know and since it seems that most all users wants him gone from vichatter we have sent the owners a email not to support the email we got from youtube when they had our videos taken down for copyright infringement and we told them about what this user does and that we have video of the girls saying he has threatened them know with that being said the girls just after he threatened them in private messages said they told support about it and they have done nothing and this was many months ago so we do not expect the owners do anything either but we did send them a email the email went through we have a copy of the email and if the owners cares about the safety of their users especially young girls they will ban this looser and all his pedo friends  and if they do not ban this user id number 1635761 then the owners AVRAAM MARANGOS AND ANTON TITOV are cowards and they do not care about their users even if they are young girls and it will also make anonymous think that they will not ban this user because he is involved with the illegal activity in the video call that we have talked about on this blog and it will show to all the others that have read this blog and if you have read it you will know what others we are talking about and it will prove our point even stronger so we will see if the owners do the right thing we will look back at our videos and see what who the other users are besides CHE GUEVARA AND JAMES BOND  was mentioned as his pedophile buddy's. And if anything Interpol will know of these users and if what some of these famous European people has told us and that Interpol is aware of vichatter and they have agents that are catching the pedophiles from off their well know they have a few more to go after.

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