
vichatter....post for all Americans to read

Hello we have been getting emails with videos of different stuff just in the last week that people have recorded from off vichatter wanting us to post them for them and some of these vids are from just what the pedos will say to the underage girls in the main broadcast area.But some are of users asking the girls we have mentioned on this blog to show and they will say yes for gold and just like we have said they will have a friend to give the gold to (and if they say friend to give gold to that friend has to be a trusted user to get more than 5 in gold a day)and in these videos the girls are asking any were from 1500 to 3000 in gold that would be any were from 75 to 150 dollars American money for a 30 minute show.And these people that have sent us these videos are people that have just gone onto vichatter set up a account just to see for themselves if these girls do really say they will show for gold all these people say they were shocked how easy it was to find these girls and ask them to do a show and how they will respond back pretty fast saying yes or OK but none of these people given the girls the gold or actually gone into the video call.So if just regular people can do this so easy why cant a investigator with Interpol or the F.B.I do the same thing but give the girls the gold and then they would be able to see what user the girls say to give the gold to and that will give them the user that is doing the pimping as child prostitution and then when they pay and the video call opens of the girl that will show them what the girls look like and once they start doing something sexual that will give them the proof that what we have been saying is true that their are many underage girls that have pimps that prostitute these girls out to make gold.Or if anyone has any videos from the video call that shows the girls doing this send them we will give them to proper authorities and edit them to blur out the girls face and post them to show people that this is going on at vichatter and its not just a random thing its a big organised money making thing that the owners are involved in the moderators are involved users like 001 and the ones we have mentioned on this blog and the girls they use to make this money are all underage girls and they all know that's what the pedos want to see and will buy gold to see them And we think that some of these girls parents may even be involved and they want their kids to do it because the gold supposedly can be cashed in for real Russian money so the parents will pimp their own kids out to do these sexual acts on vichatter in the video call area.And with all that being said and what we have said on this blog no one can understand why isn't their any government agencies investigating this illegal activity some of what we know about the U.S.government is that they will have to spend tax payers money to do a investigation into vichatter to see what we say is true and if it turns out to be just a small random type thing then they have just wasted their time and tax payers money for not really a whole lot.But if it does turn out to be a big organised thing(like we say it is) then it could become really costly to investigate and get enough to press charges and that will have to come out of tax payers money.So from what we here its all about having to spend tax payers money for the U.S to look into vichatters illegal activities so that's why we have been trying to get people in the U.S.A. to right to their congressman or their state senator's telling them they need to do something about vichatter let the government know that you don't like this pedo chat site trying to get kids on their to make the owners money no matter if its in the video call or in the main area vichatter needs the kids to make money If you as Americans stand up and fight with us against vichatter and put pressure on your elected officials to do something we can all get the government to stop worrying about spending a little bit of tax payers money to stop vichatter from using and exploiting many kids to put money into the pedo owners pockets  the owners of vichatter are RENAT GUBAEV,AVRAAM MANGOS has taken down is face book page with this name he may have another one under a different name if you find it let us know,AND ANTON TITO They can be found on FACEBOOK UNDER THESE NAMES AND ON VK.COM WITCH IS THE RUSSSIAN VERSION OF FACEBOOK.Please use the email this to a friend link at the bottom of each post to help us get this blog out to everyone it will email that one post only to your friends so if their is a post you think everyone needs to read then use that link. WE NEED TO GET THE F.B.I.AND THE GOVERNMENT TO DO THEIR JOBS.... Нам нужно, чтобы ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО РОССИИ делать свою работу и имеют Vichatter закрыт

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